Comments: Ten Things You Should Know About The Reptilian Elite Conspiracy

For real treasonous filth, look here

Posted by bilejones at April 28, 2016 11:24 PM

Everyone is going to put their dog in the fight at some point. that's their pooch. Treason? Hardly.

Not much different from the Pro Choice or the Anti Abortion factions. Want some real nonsense? Try the Southern Poverty Law Center for garbage or PETA or any of the "Moms against Everything" groups that show up when paid.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at April 29, 2016 5:14 AM

@bilejones, beware of the over use of the word *many* these days. It is used as breaching tool, a bangalore torpedo to cut a swath through the frontal portion of your "mindfield", usually successfully.

“However, for many Americans, the term ‘America First’ will always be associated with and tainted by

These retards had to all the way back 60+ years to find an obscure reference for their current communist blather. Trump will ignore them, but he should reply to them even more offensively than their message is.

He should send them a notarized, certified snail mail stating, "Do not send me your disappointing and insulting tripe to again or I will be forced to find legal remedy for your on going communication assault by way of communist based innuendo. You've been warned."

Posted by ghostsniper at April 29, 2016 6:48 AM

The idea of reptilian shape shifters is intriguing but it's fantasy. Obama and all of the other suspects are just men and woman who are vilely wicked and Hell bound. Nothing more, nothing less.

Posted by Jack at April 29, 2016 7:36 AM

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