Comments: Though Nazi Germany and militarist Japan are now gone ideology is with us still with the same potent certainty it possessed in 1940s.

Yup! Vermont is a terrarium of Venezuela. Only with the infusions of federal money by Leahy and a bunch of trustfunders that can afford those taxes, does the state struggle on. It, for all purposes, is near broke; underfunded pensions, bankrupt health care programs, school tax burdens that are killing the seniors who are native to the state.
I got out; I couldn't make enough money to save and pay taxes and I had a sweet deal on my rental after I sold the house.

So many of my friends who either work for someone or own businesses are getting ready to move. Vermont wouldn't surprise me if they put an exit tax on escapees.

Vermont is the bellwether; it will be the first to roll over and get the toe tag.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at May 28, 2016 1:45 PM

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