Behold Barbara Boxer -- Healer of Worlds!

It is kind of sad, actually, to realize just how out of touch these people are. Reality, when it hits, if it hits, is going to land quite a punch on them.

Posted by FH at May 26, 2004 7:30 PM

the cost of the event is in the Republican range.

it's possible those with the money and values to be in attendance will benefit far more than those attending fundraisers for Republican candidates.

Yes, Marin is different from much of the US.

The self-righteous mockery of your posting indicates your mind may be as narrow, and harmful, as Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft.

Boxer may not be the greatest Senator, (nowhere near as eloquent and courageous as Robert Byrd of West Virginia). But she has done shown some leadership superior to many of her colleagues.

Do you know anything from personal experience about the healers you implicitly mock? They have helped a lot of people, not just the wealthy.

Posted by William Fudeman at June 8, 2004 3:19 AM