Comments: What do tats and piercings on a woman really mean?

I married her.

Never got to the really nasty court stuff, but it was definitely headed that way. After the divorce was final and I had a paper signed by the judge that said whatever I had in my possession was mine, I put 80 boxes of what had been her stuff in the trash, after letting friends and neighbors pick through it for anything they wanted.

Posted by leelu at July 25, 2016 6:45 AM

"... and rent a storage unit, move your shit out when they are gone one day and leave. If you fail to take this advise you will most likely one day be sitting in the back of a police cruiser in cuffs charged with domestic violence and mot likely you will not even have committed any violence."

Been. There. Done. That.

Just get out!


Posted by Lands’nGrooves at July 25, 2016 7:15 AM

No piercings, no tats---mine got in under the radar. She went into the MHMR in Austin back around December 1988, came out a few months later with "flavor of the month" maintenance meds. And a violent streak.
After one attack, I found myself up against a pillar being prepped for the bracelets. I said to the APD officer, "Why don't you ask her about the Thorazine they've got her on?"
"They don't have me on Thorazine anymore!", was her sneering reply.
And that was enough.
The cop let go and started listening to me at that point. The arrest never happened.

Posted by hammond aikes at July 25, 2016 1:19 PM

Keep all finances separate. Don't marry and always keep a boogie bag for that moment when she tips over. Set her off and you be the one to call the cops.

Remember, anything that is all emotion and no logic cannot be trusted to utter a sane word.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at July 26, 2016 6:28 AM

Yeah guys, I'll grant you all of that. It happens. What also happens is 47 years of drunk etc etc etc.
Too much of nothing.

Posted by pbird at July 26, 2016 12:12 PM

What does ANY of this have to do with tattoos and piercings? What did I miss?

Posted by DonRodrigo at July 28, 2016 2:18 PM

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