Virtual Prostitute Continues to Inspire Bloggers

I posted this to you over at my site:

I don't know that I can believe a whore.

Although, if she's lying about everything, then she's not a whore, and then I can believe her, but that would mean she is a whore, and therefore I can't.

Captain Kirk used a formulation like this to blow the circuit-boards of Mudd's Women, I think.

I'll tell you my general take on rumors: I tend to belive most of them -- at least most of the non-ludicrous ones -- are at least partly true.

But that bias aside, I don't know how much it matters either way for my purposes. I don't care if Washingtonienne is a liar or not. The only thing I care about is that she's got a book deal, and she's been linked by Instapundit, whereas I, so far, don't and haven't.

If she's a liar, well, so be it. There are rumors-- rumors, mind you -- that my own sex-diary is not in complete accordance with the factual record, either.

I don't really care about the actual facts, either true or fictitious. I think this "story" is a non-story. I argued about this over on MyPetJawa's blog.

The only thing driving me here is spite and jealousy. The only interesting thing about the story is that people -- who really ought to have better things to do with their mental energy -- seem to find it interesting.

Here are two untalented, essentially useless marginally-attractive women who have launched themselves into fame by talking about anal sex.

If them, why not me?

Posted by ace at May 27, 2004 3:40 PM


Posted by slimedog at May 28, 2004 6:38 AM

He's one of those guys with a liberal website isn't he. Probably gay I'll bet. He should go work for Al Jizzharrea if he likes those people so much.

Posted by Floyd Jackson at May 28, 2004 12:43 PM