Comments: A CASE FOR JEFFERSON by Robert Frost

And in regards a border wall, Robert Frost also opined that "Good fences make good neighbors."

Posted by Rob De Witt at October 21, 2016 4:06 PM

Her heart's in the right place and all that, but when you get down to the bedrock, her reaction to the Trumpocalyse has shown that there are certain fundamental things that Neo simply cannot grasp either because of who she is or whence she comes. Or, more charitably, she's just too refined (effete, dares one say?) to face up to the level of rottenness in the present Body Politic.

As always, though, one gets more truth from poets and novelists than one does from historians. (Aside: to understand what happened to Britain in C20 read Anthony Powell's Dance to the Music of Time). Frost makes the perfectly valid point that a lot of reductio ad absurdum anti-semites totally refuse to see. We (The Western Clerisy / Chattering Classes) brought did this to ourselves. It's been a long time coming and as slow and sure as molasses, but the Devil *will* have his due.

Posted by Kinch at October 21, 2016 6:02 PM

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