Comments: Our Neutron Bomb Election

"They went largely to the same..."
I remember being told that Affirmative Action wasn't going to be a quota system, but in reality it was to be a reach-out beyond the old boy networks of the time. School ties, mens' clubs, country clubs, and so forth provided a limited pool of talent since everyone knew each other and came from the same background, etc.
So, we should reach out beyond the walls of our gated mansions and find people of difference. Different races, different (or no) religion, different backgrounds, all sorts of differing experiences.

So we reached out to different races, backgrounds, religions, creeds, and so forth. But they all wound up going to the same "proper" schools, being taught by the same "proper" professors.

And we wound up with a group that looked different, had different backgrounds, religions, creeds, and so forth. But they all wound up thinking exactly the same.

So much for diversity.

Posted by OldFert at October 19, 2016 4:59 PM

Pod People. Educated at the very Best Schools.Producing the very finest of Pod People.

Posted by Nori at October 19, 2016 7:05 PM

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