Comments: The Long, Politically Fraught History of Seeds in the U.S.

Have you heard of that giant seed corporation that is going all over the country suing small farmers for using their seeds without compensation, even though they are not, and then the small farmers have to spend thousands in legal fees for defense, or fold?

Supposedly the wind is the culprit.

Posted by ghostsniper at November 30, 2016 11:35 AM

That ain't the half of it. As the article alludes to, there are jurisdictions where the guvmint has essentially made it illegal for plain old folks to grow their own food on their own property for their own consumption, or for sharing with their neighbors.

There are a few communities where they have declared that growing one's own food is essentially a basic human right, but this really needs to be taken up at the federal (constitutional, even) level.

Posted by Grizzly at November 30, 2016 5:14 PM

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