Comments: "Mom: "We're leaving now, go give Grandma a kiss goodbye."

I tickled and wrestled and hugged my kids and never thought twice about it all. Now with a dozen grand kids I do think about it. With Christmas coming we will get three little grandchildren for a week or two (6, 8 & 11). The two littlest are girls and they love to sit in my lap before bedtime to watch TV. I enjoy making them a between meals snack and they always love them. I always tease the two girls and get them to kiss my cheek when I give them a snack. My greatest memory is my own little daughter at 4 giving me butterfly kisses and my youngest grand daughter does the same. So light it almost isn't there. What a shame that everyday things can be made to seem bad somehow. I would give my life to protect my children or my grandchildren it hurts me to think that innocent loving normal family life can be made to seem inappropriate.

Posted by GoneWithTheWind at December 2, 2016 10:20 AM

Noah called... He wants the rainbow back.

Posted by The Distributist at December 2, 2016 10:27 AM

Had the parents of these social justice warriors left them alone when they were born, they could have made their own choices about food, clothing, shelter, and affection. Yeah, I blame their parents...

Posted by Roger at December 2, 2016 3:56 PM

Weep for the warped, the untaught, the unlearned, the inhumanes.
Once they were lovable infants. What made their parents, caregivers, and peers behave the way they did?
We all know the answers. As long as we are comfortable enough the big picture will not change.
Guernica is everyday 'life' in many parts of the world.
Confession Time
I know the truth.
I resent and fear the obligation to serve adequately.
Guilt and Shame are my first, last, and middle names.
Paraphrasing a great sage, "If you cannot be a perfect devotee, at least be an imperfect devotee."

Posted by Stug Guts at December 2, 2016 5:15 PM

If it's really their body and their choice, stop murdering them in the womb, you filthy, leftist shltheads.

Posted by ahem at December 3, 2016 9:22 PM

My grandkids fight to see who gets to sit next to "bop bop". I wish I had more laps to accommodate them all at once. The hugs, kisses, and cuddling are the best things in my life, so to this meme I say, STFU.

Posted by Tripletap at December 4, 2016 3:19 AM

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