Comments: Talk about a party on a suicide run.

The art of the deal.
Most people think negotiation is where they have to give something up. This is because they are not educated nor experienced in negotiation.

When I negotiate the other guy gets everything he wants, and more. And so do I. As long as the other guy is reasonable. Expecting something for free is not reasonable. Expecting a fair deal is reasonable.

Ever notice that when you get something for free it's usually not worth it in the long run?

Why do you suppose that is?

You gotta have your head on straight when you come to the table cause I'm gonna straighten it out for you asap and if cunning is your game embarrassment will be your name.

30 seconds, in person, eyeball to eyeball, that's all it takes for me to size you up. If you make it past the 30 second mark more than likely a deal will be made.

I suspect Trumps art of the deal runs the same path, afterall, we both were schooled by the same people.

Trump will most likely be the most memorable president in history and may indeed create a brand new boilerplate template for future presidents and others. We won't get everything we think we want, but he will do well and most likely we will do better than recent memory. But we have to do our part. Remember, nothing worth having is free.

Posted by ghostsniper at December 3, 2016 2:01 PM

Only one thing explains Ellison and Pelosi. The Muslims are financing the Democrats and Nancy is the bagperson.

Posted by J Pelmer Crass at December 3, 2016 2:13 PM

gs, well said.
Trump is setting the stage, gaining the popular support that will make it difficult for McConnel to erode Trump's nominees in favor of McC's vassals.
Trump seems to have the long view: cutting through the cowardly crap, supporting friends/allies, statesmanship in place of spinelessness, and hardball in place of noball.

Posted by Howard Nelson at December 3, 2016 7:43 PM

McConnell is indicative of the entrenched mindset that has permeated american politics for a long time.

He is comfortable and complacent yet still wants to create his legacy at a cost to the taxpayers.

All politicians should be limited to 1 term across the board. Once elected they will never be elected again anywhere.

All politician salaries should be based upon the average US taxpayer salary.

Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for politicians perks. If they want insurance, pay for it, like the rest of us. Same with vacations and everything else.

Politicians should be stationed in an office in their home community, not DC. With technology like Skype, they can have about 4 video conferences per year with DC, otherwise, stay home and deal with their constituents.

If any politician even "attempts" to violate any facet of the constitution they will be suspended within 24 hours, an independent investigation will commence immediately, and if found guilty within 30 days, will be removed from office and perhaps penalized by incarceration and/or fine.

The federal budget will never exceed 50% of the income tax collected, ever.

Posted by ghostsniper at December 4, 2016 6:27 AM

From the nit-picker gallery: firing on all engines? Never heard that one. I think Simon means firing on all cylinders. He may know a lot about presidents, but I doubt he knows beans about internal combustion.

Posted by BillH at December 4, 2016 6:52 AM

At another site, the suggestion was made that all politicians be limited to one term, for all elected offices. And that the career bureaucrats that are appointed by an executive be also limited a short term and not ever allowed to take another such position again.
The indignant response from one person was that soon we would be down to Elmer Fudd and Ed Norton as the only remaining eligible candidates and lose the services of able men that could grow in command and advance the efficiency of their Federal Departments or Office.
I said, you're just not getting the point, are you?

Posted by John the River at December 4, 2016 8:31 AM

JohnRiver,I suspect we need more business people versus lawyers in government, for a start. From what I am seeing, lawyers don't know much about basic economics.

Ghost, YES! We need to limit spending at the very least to the amount of revenue that is brought in. Someone else is going to have to pay for all of this current debt and it is not the morons in DC. We are living on a credit card and nobody has the balls to cut off the spending spree. An immediate cut to revenue levels would certainly cause a recession...but sometimes the medicine tastes bad.

Posted by Snakepit Kansas at December 6, 2016 5:16 AM

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