
The artist should stick to flowers and hire others to do the vases, like Da Vinci did, and practice on them (vases) in his spare time.

When he has 1000 vases behind him he will see them in a different light, and not before.

I did not start to get perspective architectural renderings right until I had completed about 300 of them, and then it sort of clicked. It was a matter of hunger.

I was in a slump, almost begging for work. A national developer hired me to do 100 renderings at $75 each and I hadn't done any since I was in school 20 years prior.

The first one took me 9 days to complete and I wasn't happy with it, so I did it again from a different angle, and I liked it. So did the developer.

Nothing breeds enthusiasm like encouragement.

The 2nd one took a week, the 3rd 4 days and finally I was doing 3 a day. I learned some things along the way, how to cut the sharp edges off and make the system smoother, more streamlined, faster.

A whiner would have said $75 was too low and lost the job and continued to be hungry, or beg.

I can't fix others but I can fix me, so I did. I reaped my reward, received continued business from the developer and our child never went hungry.

Failing doesn't scare me but being restricted from succeeding does.

Posted by ghostsniper at December 4, 2016 6:43 AM

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