Comments: The intersectional house of cards has fallen.

They ain't going anywhere, and they're out of control breeding, at taxpayer expense. I'm talking about *them". That means in 8 years there will be even more of them. And less of you.

Right now you have the advantage, the leverage. Now is the time to strike, while the iron is white hot, pun intended.

As this is a democracy, and the majority unfortunately rules, you need to make less of *them*. And make no mistake, they are made.

Nobody is born with a suicide rope around there neck, it is put there. The other end of their rope is around your neck.

Your primary tool in the effort is "intellectual horsepower". They have very little of that stuff, and they have the college debt receipts to prove it.

You got 8 years, at the most, to swing the pendulum the other way. Think it can be done? Consider the steps to get from here, to there.

Or, practice cutting 3" hard wood logs in single swipes with your KaBar.

Posted by ghostsniper at December 5, 2016 6:16 PM

Ghost, most of the clowns fumbling around out there think a Kabar is a nutritional supplement taken to increase ones 'maleness'.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at December 7, 2016 1:28 AM

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