“A little girl’s hair.”

"...there should be a redistribution of property..."

Oh dear.

Let me remind you, there already IS a redistribution of property.

Perhaps you meant there should be a redistribution of ALL property which, of course, includes ALL living body's.

After all, if it's completely normal to kill a human that is -1 day old then killing a child that is 8 years old is only a matter of simple math, that's all. src/

Posted by ghostsniper at May 24, 2017 12:46 PM

“[No society can survive the socialist] fallacy that there is an absolutely unlimited number of inspired officials and an absolutely unlimited amount of money to pay them.” – The Debate with Bertrand Russell, BBC Magazine, 11/27/35. Quote: Chesterton.

Posted by Casey Klahn at May 24, 2017 2:21 PM

Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth.

That is the *only* message muzzies understand.

Listen and watch very carefully to what has happened in Europe since they 1) disarmed their population and 2) opened the floodgates to the barbarian hoards.

Go now, find and hear Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech. It's widely available on the net.

We here in America are next.

If this had happened in an armed and properly informed America mosques would be burning and a whole lot of imamas would suffer "sudden disappearance syndrome".

Posted by Fuel Filter at May 25, 2017 5:19 AM

Is there a mosque burning in England? Why not? Are muslim neighborhoods being attacked? Why not? Can a muslim walk the streets arrogant and proud of what his co-religionists have done? Yes. Why is that?
Because the British have no civilization. They have no culture. They have no pride and no balls. They have the fucking disease. The Eloi complacency. The politics of self loathing, and appeasement. There is no mosque burning? Then you deserve to lose what you had.


Posted by jwm at May 26, 2017 6:07 AM

It should have been Trumps moment to tell the court to bring forth their army for he was securing our borders and visas. But he came back to run his administration as unity of the politicians and not unity of the people. Syrian children got Tomahawk missiles donated from the public/private deity govt. We'd like to help you Saffie but your too young to vote

Posted by FeFe at May 31, 2017 2:56 PM

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