The Most Innovative Novel by a Best-Selling American Author Is Not Available in English

And I'll bet grandma ain't goin' to no disco in this book, either.

Posted by ccwbass at January 23, 2005 1:07 PM

And I wondered why I keep re-reading novels published thirty years ago...

Posted by P.A. Breault at January 23, 2005 4:07 PM

I can't believe no American publisher couldn't see what a huge hit this could be. Amazing story, Now I'm really dying to read it.

Posted by Jille at January 23, 2005 7:37 PM

I'd never heard of his novel. Now I'm dying to own it. Of course, that won't happen.

Another writer who designs or helps design his own books is William Vollman (CoTangent Press). Beautiful, and "too expensive" for a "real" publisher to put out.

And there's Visionaire "magazine," which is always a pleasure to look at.

FEH on the bottom line, I say!

Posted by growler at January 27, 2005 12:42 PM

When the English language version is published in Europe, please provide an internet source so that those of us interested can order it. If nothing else, suggest to your friend that someone should get onto eBay in England and offer the book there for purchase.
When you can order a DVD from Hong Kong or China and have it in hand in ten days anywhere in the US perhaps it's also time to rethink how books are distributed.

Posted by FastNed at January 31, 2005 5:07 PM

Just a message to the author of this article: Book "Third Wish" has been published in Czech Republic. Czechoslovakia doesn't exist for more than 12 years...

Posted by Katarina (Slovakia) at May 5, 2005 2:01 PM

An updated version has a cd of songs sung by American Singer/Songwriter Cosy Sheridan.
I can't wait to get a copy. I was at the studio when Cosy was singing the songs and got to speak very briefly with Mr. Fulghum.

Posted by Paul Bellefeuille at August 6, 2007 4:42 PM

I'm glad to see I'm not the only visitor to your two-year-old post. I'm even more glad the link is still alive.

That's more than can be said of past links to the elusive Mr. Fulghum. He makes being a fan more challenging than most creative people. But I think he's putting together a corpus of work that will reach mammoth proportions before he's done.

I thought about him this morning as I listened to a radio program about Asperger's Syndrome. Hmm...Who knows? The list includes names such as Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Michaelangelo.

Posted by Hootsbuddy at September 15, 2007 6:27 AM