The New Line of Choice: "Saying it's wrong makes it right."

"Changes down at the foundations of nations are, in essence, generational. To make them and hold onto them you actually have to have generations."

The Roe effect is their ultimate foe, and it is one of their own making. The definition of irony.

Posted by Final Historian at February 9, 2005 4:52 PM

"The Roe effect is their ultimate foe, and it is one of their own making. The definition of irony."

I still don't buy that political affiliation is genetic, especially since individuals go on decades-long political journeys, even on this blog.

I felt no guilt after my abortion, and huge amounts of relief, and my experience is that this is common. And I support pretty much everything else Gerard writes about. As the Democratic Party gets taken over by the anti-American pro-terrorism Left, I guess us pro-choice pro-gay rights anti-terrorism pro-free trade folks are going to have to squeeze into the left wing of the Republican Party and duke it out with social conservatives there. Whatever.

Posted by Yehudit at February 9, 2005 8:30 PM

"I still don't buy that political affiliation is genetic, especially since individuals go on decades-long political journeys, even on this blog."

Its not just genetics, though that may be part of it. Its parental conditioning. Those who support abortion have less kids are likely to raise kids who support abortion. Those who are against abortion are likely to raise kids who are against abortion. And since those who support abortions actually have them, they tend to have less kids than those who oppose abortion. Its simple demographics

As for your feeling no guilt, I have heard some say the same as you, and I have heard of others who felt suicidal afterwards for it. I suppose it differs according to the individual, though I wonder the role that genetics and social conditioning play in that regard.

As for the GOP, there are many who expect it to eventually split in a couple of elections on social issues. A libertarian party and a conservative party, I guess.

Posted by Final Historian at February 9, 2005 8:37 PM

Pardon my imposition, but it seems to me it's pretty easy to say "I felt/feel no guilt". It's quite another thing to be entirely truthful about that sentiment. How do you really know you didn't feel guilt? What if you, to use a Valtrex buzzword, suppressed it?

If post-post-modernism has taught me anything, it's that everything someone says and does is subject to scrutiny and skepticism, and that even the things we think we know...we don't really know.

All that to say, it's not unlikely that you think you feel nothing over your abortion. But you may have, once...

Makes me wonder what hope, if any, there remains for people who think they know themselves (myself included).

Posted by Jeremiah at February 9, 2005 10:17 PM

OBLIGATORY ABORTION DISCLOSURE -- Planned Parenthood(tm) was founded on the premise of Eugenics, that the birthrates of immigrant Slavs, Italians, Irish, and other Poor White Trash needed to be rolled back in order to improve the Race.

That out of the way, I find it rich that a movement built on stilling a beating human heart at its most vulnerable now seeks, Tin-Man like, to find a heart of its own.

The Abortionists adopting the Utilitarian "It's wrong, but we're doing it anyway because people want us to" will be about as costly to their cause as the Tobacco companies admitting that cigarettes cause Cancer was to theirs. It will put a human face on their tens of millions of unremarked victims, and represent the Abortionist practice of killing a unborn child in the womb as no different than smothering a newborn child in its crib.

I've been hearing since Reagan challenged Ford in '76 that the Republican Party would fissure over abortion, that the Republican Party's anti-abortion platform would doom it to permanent minority status, that they would lose the women's vote, blah...blah...blah...

Well, I guess I can wait another 28+ years to see if those predictions come true.


Posted by furious at February 13, 2005 4:24 PM