Rubber Knives to Gun Fights

My GAWD! One can only hope that no animals were hurt in the composition of this screed.

(P. S. Daily typo nitpick:
"...that no only has no answer")

Posted by Deborah at July 22, 2005 9:05 AM

And what does he propose that we would do with the people whose only interest is killing the bridge builders and blowing up all of the bridges?

Sounds like your late father in law hit the nail on the head.

Posted by Matt at July 22, 2005 9:06 AM

What a touching email. A nice blend of respect, empathy, and good sense was on display in a documentary I was watching last night about aircraft carriers. An old Navy pilot from the Pacific War was describing how his fighter unit tore into a large Japanese formation in the air battle over the Philippine Sea. After the pilot had shot up a Japanese plane and sent it spiraling toward the water, he noticed that the tail gunner had stayed with the plane and was still firing his 7.7mm machine gun at the pilot's plane. The pilot paid tribute to the gunner's bravery and determination, then said, "For a split second, I almost felt sorry for him."

Posted by Axel Kassel at July 22, 2005 9:41 AM

Missing ingredients:

camp fire
people in circle holding hands around said fire
lyrics to "Kumbaya"
(non-sequitar: my son in Afghanistan tells me camp fires look 'neat' thru night vision goggles)

Posted by ed in texas at July 22, 2005 10:34 AM

Let this be a lesson to all. You cannot mix gin and Ritalin, and sit down at a keyboard.

Posted by paul at July 22, 2005 10:44 AM

Add vanilla and stir gently...

Posted by P.A.Breault at July 22, 2005 10:51 AM

It's even worse read aloud in German, a language that lends itself particularly well to psychobabble:

Exklusivität fördert Trennfähigkeit, Unterordnung, Steuerung, Handhabung und Herrschaft. Ich dränge uns, an das Ganze und die Arbeit zusammen zu denken und öffentlich zu überprüfen und zu reflektieren, wie wir jedes in unserer Mission bessere Brückenherstelleren und wirkungsvoller sein konnten, die Mitte mit Menschlichkeit, Demut und äußerster Wirksamkeit zu dienen. Danke für das Dauern der Zeit, dieses zu lesen und nach dem Werden sich zu reflektieren ein Brückenhersteller.

For some reason Macaulay's poem about Horatius at the bridge keeps running through my mind. The old Romans knew a thing or two about the strategic need to chop down a bridge once in a while to keep the enemy out of town.

Posted by Connecticut Yankee at July 22, 2005 12:50 PM

The e-mail's author forgot to append:

"... unless you're white, male, Christian, or conservative. Then you stick that bridge right where the sun don't shine."

Posted by Cap'n Yoaz at July 22, 2005 1:28 PM

He's right you know. Those same sentiments are written in stone on the facade of the Ministry of Truth.

Posted by Winston at July 22, 2005 8:07 PM