Po-tay-to, Po-taa-to, To-may-to, To-maa-to: Still President After All These Years

I read somewhere that Pres. Eisenhower also pronounced it 'nu-ku-lar'...

Posted by Kip Watson at January 8, 2006 11:02 PM

Really? The correct pronunciation is 'nu-clear'? It might be a Chicago-area thing, but I've never heard it pronounced other than 'nu-ku-ler' - even by the nuclear engineer who lived down the hall from me and several members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I always thought the Kosites' venom flowed because Bush pronounced it 'nu-ku-lar', ie with a short 'a' instead of a short 'e'. Silly me.

Posted by LRFD at January 9, 2006 7:09 AM

How then is it that GWB is regarded as a lesser intellect because he pronounces he word in question "nuk-u-lar" When failed politician, bankrupt peanut planter and traitor, the darling of the center-left, one Jimmah Cahtah, a nuclear engineer and past Officer in The Navy of the USA pronounces it exactly the same way in his pro-islamist diatribes on foreign soil.

Posted by Gerry N at January 23, 2006 11:08 PM