Blondes and the Sinews of Seattle

"Fleece upholstery!"

Now that is a damned good idea!

Posted by Raw Data at March 4, 2006 3:58 PM

It goes without saying, in Seattle at least, that anything worth making is twice as good with fleece. You wonder when someone is going to sell a fleece checkbook cover - so handy for wringing dry those tech stock options that have been under water since 2001.

There's already a fleece cover for the most unmentionable of all body parts. Surely this will be the "must have" accessory for Academy Awards Parties here in Latteland; perfectly merging Northwest practicality with mandatory homoerotic chic.

Posted by AskMom at March 5, 2006 12:34 AM

The most popular roleplaying game in the world is published in the Seattle area. And it tries to cover everything that might happen with a set of rules almost as comprehensive (and befuddling) as the U.S. tax code. Given that ideologies are founded and controlled by people with control issues, this make too much distressing sense.

Posted by Alan Kellogg at March 5, 2006 10:18 PM

If you don't like the Seattle area because it's littered with "moonbats," why not move to a state where you'll feel more at home?


Posted by E T Spoon at March 6, 2006 7:27 AM

You sir, and I do not say this lightly, are a complete idiot. I could explain why but the number of keystrokes I am willing to expend on that task ends at this period.

Posted by Gerard Van der Leun at March 6, 2006 6:19 PM

Sorry to say he's: right. Seattle was a fine city until it was over/run with the Dolphin Free Tuna Goddess crap. And hell, fleece free people could actually afford to live here. Used to be we could drive down town and do something called park, go to a show (affordable) and head home.

Now we have the Fleece lined brain clan running things. And it is screw time.

The vanishing breed of Seattle are people that work for a living unless you want to call 15 year old wages, ok. Which I think Gerard: you do.

Go have a tuna sand-witch, when you hear a big explosion, not to worry, it is just your head popping out of you ass.

Posted by hanpi at March 8, 2006 12:19 AM