Note to Self

Still trying to slog through Season 4. I stay up eyes are burning...I wish Audrey would die.

Posted by The Anchoress at April 7, 2006 11:39 AM

Ah, Gerard. You thought you could withstand the rigors of life in Seattle. You imagined that after surviving the 24/7 whirlygig of NYC, you'd be in your comfort zone here. You thought wrong. Brain jelled by the ceaseless blather of the surrounding liberoids, resistance weakened by eons of rain, you have made yourself a target for the wiles of dvd rentals, take-out pho and fleece couch blankets.

It's a short slide from there to King County Democratic Party Precinct Meeting Hell. You have been warned :)

Posted by AskMom at April 7, 2006 12:16 PM

I've made the mistake with Vince Flynn novels. I know in these the terrorist always loses in the end but I'm worried with each new book and have to stay up all night just to be sure...

Posted by Teri at April 7, 2006 4:18 PM