"This is What Democracy Looks Like"

I like the (almost certainly unintended) irony of the sign in the last photo-- that Jesus (and not ANSWER or Code Pink or the other usual suspects) is the answer.

Posted by Connecticut Yankee at May 2, 2006 4:22 PM

You are correct in assuming that the march yesterday was not long on irony.

Posted by Vanderleun at May 2, 2006 4:36 PM

Towards the end, a group came through with a new chant, "This is what Democracy looks like." Say what you will about their cause, you have to admit they've got that right
I beg to differ, aliens who have crossed our borders illegally in massive marches demanding we enact laws that THEY insist on is not what Democracy looks like, it is what Invasion looks like,

CITIZENS marching demanding action from THEIR government is what DEMOCRACY looks like.

Posted by Dan Kauffman at May 2, 2006 5:06 PM

The illegals don't seem to realize they are breaking one of our most sacred rules - which is best expressed as: THERE ARE NO CUTS IN LINE!

Posted by moondog at May 2, 2006 5:55 PM

I cant tell if Im watching a protest against something or a celebration of finally having the right to say something.

Posted by frank martin at May 2, 2006 6:26 PM

Dear Mr Vanderleun,

Nice pictures.

My comment is off topic, but you should see the full page ads the National Geographic is running in support of the Judas book.

THese ads fully confirm your perceptions.

The ads ask if the man portrayed as one of the greatest criminals in history is not, after all, one of history's greatest heroes.

They are indeed promoting the idea that treason is virtue.

War is peace.


Newspeak is here and our culture is under attack.

Our very survival is under attack.

All the best,


Posted by Gandalin at May 3, 2006 3:22 AM

Good pics.
I'm glad Ft. Lewis wasn't blocked off.
Believe me when I say, I am sooo thankful I don't live in Seattle. :^)

Posted by Ben USN (Ret) at May 3, 2006 4:36 AM

I believe you are incorrect about the Pilgrims and other early White settlers coming to America legally. With a few exceptions they simply invaded and secured territory by means of force.

The paradoxical thing about the Hispanic and Chinese immigrants and the hostile reaction of American right-wingers is that most of the immigrants are old-school conservatives, especially about social issues. Most of them can relate to, if not practice, traditional Christianity. They're willing to work and fight. They left their intellectuals, artists and radicals at home. They're you're kind of people, and you don't want them!

Posted by Anarcissie at May 7, 2006 11:22 AM

1. They come from countries that cannot provide them with decent jobs or with any acceptable opportunity- countries that are essentially failures- and then too many of them refuse to embrace the culture that offers them jobs and opportunities. They should be speaking English every chance they get, they should be stomping on the flags of their countries of origin and they should loudly be denouncing the way things are done in their countries of origin.

2. Some people who have said the Pilgrims did not come here legally. O.K., let's assume the Pilgrims didn't come here legally, even though the continent didn't have laws at that time and it was the Pilgrims that brought the rule of law and even though that was the 17th century when such things as slavery were common around the world- I'm saying it was a different world! How would the Indians have possibly protected themselves from the illegal entrants?

The lesson to be learned is that the Indians should have slaughtered every European the minute they set foot on shore. No deals, no sharing how to plant corn. They needed to use every ounce of strength they had to massacre the invaders. That would have been the old way the Indians could have protected their culture and civilization.

Applying that lesson to illegal immigration today, we should be using lethal force to defend the border. And we should be deporting all of these people back at gunpoint or worse.

Remember, the Europeans only came to North America to make a better life for themselves, and they were very hard workers!

Posted by Sacha at June 20, 2006 6:04 PM