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My question at the bottom is out of place as a comment to this essay but I thought that placed at the end of a string of numerous comments on "Toying with Genocide" that you would never see it. After reading "Toying with Genocide" I thought you might be setting up for the final installation of "The Sacrifice and the Reckoning" especially with your reference to our ace in the hole - our nuclear subs. Am I correct? When might we see the final part of your dark vision. With all due respect to your creative writing which of course cannot be turned on and off like a switch, when might we see it?

Posted by Chester at December 22, 2006 6:49 AM


That's pretty good; clever, useful and funny.

Merry Christmas.

Posted by Gray at December 22, 2006 11:44 AM

Curmudgeonly policy mandates that questions that embed offensive assumptions or implications should be answered in the most obnoxious manner possible consistent with staying out of jail.

"Have you stopped beating your wife?"
"No, I just started, and the novelty hasn't worn off yet."

"Will you respect me in the morning?"
"What's going to happen between now and then that would persuade me to do that?"

"Is it in yet?"

The rest is left as an exercise for the student.

Posted by Francis W. Porretto at December 22, 2006 12:34 PM

I can't resist!

What is the meaning of life?

I know -- someone said it was 48. But now that I am 74 plus and can not remember anything about 48 or being 48, inquiring minds need to know.

Having read your many previous commenter's, I am sure some worthy expert will provide me with an answer that I can take with me anywhere.

Posted by ChiefTestPilot at December 22, 2006 3:34 PM

Do you want fries with that?

Does a bear s... in the woods? !!!!!

Posted by Dennis at December 22, 2006 7:32 PM

Gerard, how about...

Is THAT thing loaded?
Which thing are you talking about?

Are you sure you can fly this?
Well I did OK on the sim...and the instructions are behind your seat.

Happy Holidays,


Posted by RunningRoach at December 26, 2006 12:22 PM

"Where are you going?" I'm leaving the couch for the hallway bathroom, so of course I say, "to the tennis court".

Posted by Cindi at December 28, 2006 2:03 AM