
Good one!

Praise be the great Goracle!

Lately as I've realized the error in my gas-guzzling ways, I've been seeking solace with the Global Warming Prayer (see link). I offer it to you and your readers in the name of peace and carbon credits:

“Dear Gaia, I know that I am a sinner on my way to Hell — a hot planet. I know that I have no hope in myself. I repent of my sins, and show this by turning away from them, selling my car, and walking to You in faith, as my Lord and Savior. I trust in the shed ice of Antarctica to cleanse me from my sins. I believe that you were melted, and that you froze again as You have said, and that one day, You will take me home to be with You in glory. I now accept You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving my soul. In Marx’s name, Amen.”

Posted by southchild at February 28, 2007 5:08 PM

Rumor has it that the Great Goracle wears a sable bathrobe.

Posted by JeriSue at February 28, 2007 9:04 PM

Brought to you by The Church of the Immaculate Environment (UN Synod). Tenzel would approve - leave your tithe in the kiosk on the way out. "As your check clears the bank, your carbon footprint will be blank!"

Posted by Stratrat at March 1, 2007 9:18 AM

Todays Journal reported that Gores 10,000 sq ft mansion in tennesee uses more electricity in one month than the average American household uses in a year. Between that , the private jet travel, and all the limo's , the man has a carbon footprint like a giant Wackinarial!

Posted by flannelputz at March 1, 2007 1:10 PM

Thus Spake Gorasthustra

Posted by G. Weightman at March 1, 2007 7:10 PM