The Factchecking Facts

Human Nature! Amazing, the LIE is sacred

Posted by jeffersonranch at May 25, 2007 9:19 AM

Human Nature! Amazing, the LIE is sacred

Posted by jeffersonranch at May 25, 2007 9:20 AM

...And unfortunately, has proven to save one's ass and political career since the Clinton's perfected the art.

Posted by MarkH at May 25, 2007 12:17 PM

Excellent post, Mr. Vanderleun!
I didn't know that book publishers basically did no fact checking whatsoever.
Makes sense I guess, since the publisher isn't responsible for lies anyway.
It doesn't help their credibility, but as you say, they have a target audience and their own agenda and obviously they aren't concerned about gaining the potential customers who hold truth to be sacrosanct.

Some magazines have gotten a lot worse than they used to be, or maybe I just notice it more nowdays.
In addition to the New Yorker, Time stands out, and even some "scientific" mags, such as the Smithsonian, which I have cancelled.
I expect many magazines will get worse unless they are sued more often than they are.

Posted by Ben USN (Ret) at May 26, 2007 4:24 AM

It seems as if there are two ways to tackle this.

First, depending on how likely one publishing house is to shaft another, one editor could sick his attack-dog fact checkers on a Presidential book published by another company, and use the resulting firestorm to drum up exposure and sales.

Two, a sufficiently wealthy individual could sue a publisher for false advertising for printing the book as non-fiction, with the implied imprimatur that the content was accurate.

Any thoughts?


Posted by BRD at May 27, 2007 2:43 PM