Global Warming Fear? Less Than Zero

shifting the wealth of the first world to the soon to be first world

Correction: shifting the wealth of the soon to be second world to the soon to be first world

Posted by ic at November 30, 2007 2:14 PM

Global warming doesn't scare you........or the voters in Iowa. Add me to that list.

On the other hand, I'm downright terrified by the IPCC, the UN, Al Gore, and a whole raft of Greenies who think we can fix it in 10 years or less.

If CO2 is the cause of warming it will take a large amount of time (how about 100 years?) to make the changes necessary to decrease CO2 in the atmosphere.......without severely impacting the standard of living of all semi-smart monkeys.

I'm only semi-smart but when I hear talk of carbon trading, conservation standards, guvmint subsidies for Green power, and the such I see visions of a command and control economy in which the elite live well while the rest must do our part for the good of Gaia. Is it spelled serf? Yeah, that way to serfdom.

Posted by Jimmy J. at November 30, 2007 2:49 PM

I think the answer to the whole issue is that those who agree with the premise of "The World Without Us" should go ahead and do the right thing (as far as they are concerned) and off themselves. That reduces the species carbon footprint to an acceptable level to me.

[Snurflle - giggle - I just kill myself]

Posted by Robohobo at November 30, 2007 9:40 PM

Check out the new "Global Warming Guy" video at:

Posted by alteredstate at December 1, 2007 4:56 PM

"We've allegedly "warmed" the planet (all by our lonesomes, no help from the sun, that only happens on Mars.)...."

What's so hard about basing an opinion on actual science? When people bring up Mars in regards to Earth's current warming they reveal their ignorance. It is decidedly not brilliant to suggest measuring total solar irradiance by looking at Mars.

Oh, but we have a bloggy attitude to maintain. My bad, my bad.

Posted by Boris at December 2, 2007 8:22 AM

Perhaps Iowans aren't worried because they are a thousand miles from the sea? In any case, who is worried about what matters not a jot to the laws of physics. This whole argument is completely irrelevant to the possible problem.

Posted by Fletcher Christian at December 3, 2007 12:39 PM

We have no idea as to why we have gone from Ice Age to Temperate Age to Steaming Equatorial Jungle and back again, but we are absolutely sure that Al Gore can fix the whole planet so it doesn't get any warmer or any cooler ever again? Pardon me while I laugh up my spleen.

Posted by ColoradoRight at December 3, 2007 2:10 PM