It's Midday in Seattle on December 1. Do You Know Where Your Global Warming Is?

Nice. I moved from Olympia to Ellensburg to Houston. I miss the snow and cold and evergreens. OTOH, it's warm here-warm enough I may have to run the A.C. tonight.



Posted by GRH at December 1, 2007 7:27 PM

We're supposed to be up to 81° fahrenheit by Wednesday. You're hogging all the cold! Here we are bravely facing global warming, and you're up there hording the chill for yourselves.

Posted by Alan Kellogg at December 2, 2007 3:24 AM

Just wow.

We're still kinda sorta trying to figure out what a trip into that neighborhood would involve. An entire childhood spent there, I never did see anything like that near December 1. Good to get a heads-up about it, although I suppose I could've gone to the trouble of doing old-fashioned travel research.

Posted by at December 3, 2007 1:33 PM