Al Gore as the Powerpoint Jesus

I guess Bono delivered this speech immediately after spilling out of Spicoli's veedub van, right?

Posted by TmjUtah at December 19, 2007 11:28 AM

It's getting harder and harder to simply enjoy the music. I really wish he'd just shut up and sing.

Posted by Julie c at December 19, 2007 11:30 AM

Bono asks:

"Is he Noah or are we King Canute?"

NO, Bono, AL GORE is Canute. Like the apocryphal story of that king and the waves, he thinks he can command the climate to change back to what we've been used to for the last 250 years since the end of the "Little Ice Age."

As for Gore's "embarassing faith in the power of facts," I only wish it were so. If he used real facts instead of his manufactured ones, there would never have been "An Incovenient Truth."

Posted by Roderick Reilly at December 19, 2007 1:31 PM

Rock stars... Is there anything they don't know? --Homer Simpson

Posted by Gagdad Bob at December 19, 2007 5:00 PM

Benjamin Franklin said it best in "Poor Richard's Almanack",

"The learned Fool writes his Nonsense in better Language than the unlearned; but still 'tis Nonsense."

Posted by Jeff Crump at December 20, 2007 4:30 AM

Comparing the prophet of Bore to the Gospel of Christ, I am struck by several things: Luke opens the story of the birth of Christ calling it 'exceedingly joyful' and 'good news of great joy.' John Piper describes every true believer's duty as one of utter delight---from that delight-first then flows delightful repentance, delightful obedience, delightful service and giving, not the other way around. Because the underlying gift of Christ's birth and sacrificial death on the Cross for our sins is ineffable joyful truth. We are to keep our eyes first and foremost on that delight, even in dark times.

Al's message of doom, on the other hand, has no element of delight. Instead we are yolked with a Nostradameus-like horror from which we can never escape. We are told/lectured to fall in line and obey out of duty, not delight, and morality for its own dreary sake. A One World godlike government will be happy to help us poor wretches adjust.

There's nothing winsome or attractive about Al or his minions' bonofied message. Only a dreadful, grim bind from which he predicts we can never
escape. And then we die on the desert as the ever evil sun turns us all into beef jerky and food for cockroaches.

Among many other things, Al Gore is the least attractive man on the planet as far as I'm concerned and his grim message is the anti-gospel.

Posted by Webutante at December 20, 2007 7:04 AM