Obama: A Mustard and Relish Sandwich of a Speech

Tossing grandma under the bus irked me.

Posted by Fat Man at March 18, 2008 9:38 PM

Gerard, you might like to check out Karl over here.

Yesterday I was convinced that Hillary would be bailing right after Pennsylvania; she might knuckle her way to the nomination at the convention, but then she'd be C.O.D. for the Black vote for the Dems... and go on to lose to McCain, anyway.

After what the media delivered up for Mr. HopeyChange today, I don't know what to think.

Hillary can make a case that he's unelectable... because he's a stone racist. I think.

Or, she can gracefully step aside, watch Obama splatter and be able to say "Hey, it wasn't ME! It was all those RACIST REPUBLICANS!", and then run out her string as the corrupt junior senator from New York. Business ought to be good under a McCain administration, and she'll still have a nice nest egg when she retires.

Posted by TmjUtah at March 18, 2008 10:56 PM

The mustard-and-relish sandwich story was, in a way, a metaphor for the whole Obama campaign: all condiment, no meat.

Posted by Rhoda at March 18, 2008 10:58 PM

Mustard and relish sandwiches? R-i-i-i-i-g-h-t. Not unless someone has odd tastes. Government assistance programs are specifically designed to enable the poor to buy nutritious foods. Maybe not cuisine listed in the Michelin Guide, but with enough RDAs to sustain a healthy life. Sounds like BHO left out the main ingredient of that sandwich: baloney.

Posted by waltj at March 19, 2008 8:49 AM

Sorry, BHO. The Blues brothers beat you to it:

"Did you ever hear of a wish sandwich? Well it's the kind of sandwich where you're supposed to take two pieces of bread and wish you had some

Posted by Carl H at March 19, 2008 9:39 AM

To chastise a grandmother who took you in a time of need speaks volumes on the character of this man. God Bless America.

Posted by Jeffersonranch at March 19, 2008 10:08 AM

Unbelievable. All you got out of the speech was relish and mustard sandwiches? I expected more from you, perhaps you really didn't want to hear him make a speech in the first place.

Typical american. If Obama can't say it in 8 words or less, it's not worth listening to.

It was a candid and honest talk about today's racial divide. that all of us have a loved one who speaks in racist terms, and that even tho they do, we still love them. that was the point of bringing his grandmother into the speech.

And he spoke of how whites shouldn't disregard the bitterness some blacks feel, and blacks shouldn't disregard the resentment some whites feel.

What major political candidate has ever spoken like that before?

That's why it's compared to the great speeches of our country. If you focused on only the mustard and relish sandwiches, then you missed the entire point. Something tells me, you didn't want to see the entire point - That racial progress has been made, but it's not done yet. That's sorta why he said the 'past' is not yet 'past'.

Stick to comedy. Political analysis ain't your forte.

Posted by timpundit at March 19, 2008 10:08 AM

And one more thing...he didn't "chastise" his grandmother.

Jesus P Ackerman, did you people even listen to the speech or did you have some idiot at Faux news "describe" it for you?

he didn't chastise his grandmother. He was trying to point out the unconditional love he felt for her, like we all probably have for an inperfect relative. Get real people.

Posted by timender at March 19, 2008 10:11 AM

Isn't the fact that there is such a strong divide in people's opinions of the speech itself prove the man's point. What the hell is wrong with everyone? Let's talk about the success of the metaphor rather than converse over what was actually trying to be communicated? Let's focus in on selling out grandma rather than actually discuss the point he was trying to articulate? Are you serious?...I mean really? Are there people really that scared? I guess so...hope that works out for you.

Dusty Mendes. 25 year old. Systems Engineer.

Posted by dusty at March 19, 2008 12:16 PM

Personally, when people start making speeches with some dubious details added for effect, I begin to suspect maybe the actual content of the speech is dubious as well, not just the metaphors.

Posted by Aaron at March 19, 2008 9:04 PM

he didn't chastise his grandmother. He was trying to point out the unconditional love he felt for her, like we all probably have for an inperfect relative.

No, timender, he threw his sweet kind, mostly perfect, presently very ill grandmother under the bus. What must it have been like for her to raise a black child even in Hawaii? Do you think that she had an easy time of it? I saw a gorgeous picture online of a happy young privileged Barry on a beautiful tricycle. How lovely she made his young life. Obama, what an ingrate, distorted the story, (see the passage in his book about this particular instance where she was accosted by a black panhandler - he changed it for the speech to make her look more racist, mind you) to make her instance of understandable fear (see Jesse Jackson, 1996, US News and World Report..."There is nothing more painful to me than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.") morally EQUIVALENT to the sustained hatemongering of his racist mentor, Jeremiah Wright.

Any grandson of mine who did this would break my heart, as I am sure he did hers. What a poor excuse for a grandson, a man, much less a president. What a bunch of baloney.

Gerard, you made my day, again. You're brilliant.

Posted by marbleson at March 19, 2008 9:21 PM

I had a mustard and relish sandwich for breakfast this morning...washed it down with a glass of "OJ" and a dab of toothpaste. You nailed Obama to the wall of Habitat Homes for Humanity. It's too bad Bush couldn't wield a hammer the way you do with words. On the mark with every one. Thanks, its already made my day.

Posted by Bill at March 20, 2008 6:03 AM

I had a mustard and relish sandwich for breakfast this morning...washed it down with a glass of "OJ" and a dab of toothpaste. You nailed Obama to the wall of Habitat Homes for Humanity. It's too bad Bush couldn't wield a hammer the way you do with words. On the mark with every one. Thanks, its already made my day.

Posted by Bill at March 20, 2008 6:08 AM

No Marbleson,

He didn't throw her under the bus. I am suspicious of people who claim to know what the relationship is in other families, like you, but we should mind our own business, shouldn't we? I dare say Obama knows his Grandmother better than you know his Grandmother. Right? Of course, right.

It was a great speech. It was the first political speech on racism by an Adult. Not a panderer, not blaming, no excuses...just saying that sometimes when people get together they say things they wouldn't normally say. Whether they are black, white or brown.

My Dad used to use racial slurs. I told him he couldn't do it around me anymore, and he doesn't. but, back when he was doing it, there's no way any of you could get me to throw Dad under the bus. You know why?

Because as a Christian I hate the sin, but love the sinner. I understand Obama is Chrisitan too. What would you have him do? Throw Christianity under the bus, too?

Posted by Timender at March 20, 2008 1:36 PM

I have a funny feeling those of you wanting Obama to not act like a Christian, weren't ever consider voting for him anyway.

Faux News Poll today, has overwhelming majority saying they do not beleive Obama shares the views of his Preacher. Only 25% do.

That's 25%. Roughly the same number "adults" that still "approve" of President Failure's job performance. And a little more than the number of people who claim to have seen Elvis alive.

So, I don't think Obama has to worry much. Those people weren't voting for him anyways.

Posted by timender at March 20, 2008 1:43 PM

"It was the first political speech on racism by an Adult."

Maybe if you were born last week. Otherwise you are just plain wrong.

Posted by vanderleun at March 20, 2008 2:08 PM

It was the political screech on racism by an adult in modern times.

It was certainly one of the best, most poignent screeches and it didn't pander or use buzz words or lay blame. It said we all know racists and black and white both have legitimate feelings that should not be waved away by the other side. And that our feelings on race are often begun in our ealry years. And that times have changed and to say, like Wright did, that things haven't changed is the biggest crime of his screech.

Yes. One of the best screeches ever and certainly the best of election and probably the best in modern American politics.

He spoke like an adult to adults. maybe that's why I didn't get it.

Posted by timpundit at March 25, 2008 12:13 PM