Dean Barnett, 1967-2008

Thank you Gerard for using his own words to celebrate this very good good man. It started another of the crying spells I've had since learning of his death.

Keep thinking about how many times he made me laugh out loud. For years now, couldn't see a listing in the tv guides for THE WIRE or ROME or DEADWOOD without thinking of him. Used to watch Bill Maher so he didn't have to, job was to notify him if anything worth noting took place, so he could catch re-runs. That was a few years ago, as it got to point nothing was worth noting, - it was all LEFTY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN-MORALS, ANTI-all that is good in this country dribble.

Yesterday I included the latest Weekly Standard cover in one of the "collections" sent, I again asked for prayers for Dean and noted how much I missed him. I actually have an unfinished draft of an email to him,unfinished because daughter needed me for something. It was written the day before I learned he was in intensive care, scolding him for being AWOL from The Weekly Standard Blog for more than a week at this important time, when we needed him. I am sure had I sent it and had he read it, he would have laughed.

It is very personal as my twin daughters are his age. I veer from thanking God for giving him many years of remission, to asking God why he didn't take me who is "Waiting for God".

Yes, I am a mess. But I have no doubt that our LORD has already welcomed this fine man. So I am hopeful that Dean is now bending HIS ear, pleading our case for the LORD to deliver the AMERICA we love(that AMERICA you celebrated this past Christmas Eve)from this threatening EVIL.

I smile when I visualize that scene, as I was stunned when I finally heard his spoken voice. Ace ended his post with "I'm thinking about that wicked-pissah Boston accent of his right now."
so I'm not alone.

Praying for his family and taking some comfort in fact that he did have periods of consciousness while in the ICU. I am sure, knowing what I know of the man, that Dean used those times with his loved ones well.

Again, I thank you for using his own words.

Posted by larwyn at October 27, 2008 9:04 PM