"Gives"? There's no "give" about rights.


No love at all. I point it out to MuscleDaddy and he gets the glory.



Posted by Instinct at March 26, 2009 4:49 PM

Another misreading by the Constitutional Scholar-in-Chief. Contrary to what the left and the Obama White House would like the country to believe, the Bill of Rights specifically prohibits the federal government from infringing on certain rights of individuals and states that they are assumed to already possess. Look at the language: "Congress shall make no law..." "...shall not be infringed." "...not...without consent of the owner..." "...shall not be violated." A fifth-grader of average intelligence could easily grasp the meaning of the Bill of Rights, even after getting dumbed-down by "self-esteem" classes. But the Harvard Law grad/Constitutional Law professor in the White House seems to have no clue what the text says. Or doesn't care.

Posted by waltj at March 26, 2009 8:36 PM